Top etsy seller interview – beautiful crochet patterns from BriAbby Designs
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In my first interview with the best sellers on Etsy, I will talk with one of my personal favorite crochet pattern designers. Her name is Joni Memmott, and she is from Marana (Arizona, United States). She will share her Etsy success story with me.
Joni is camera shy, that is why we agreed to do a written interview. I am delighted that we did, because the interview is so inspiring, I am really happy I can share it.
The name of Joni’s stunning shop is BriAbbyHMA – BriAbby Designs. There you can find 60 fascinating patterns, from hats, blankets, loveys, to animals. She even has a few of them in 5 different languages. I love all of her designs. I think I have practically every one of them in my favorites, and I have bought quite a few. I had a tough time deciding which pictures to post, they are all so stunning.
She is so amazing that she even prepared a DISCOUNT CODE for my readers. The code is: NICETOMEETYA It is 20% off ALL PATTERNS, for entire week (until October 12th at midnight (Mountain Standard Time)!
Joni Memmott is a mother of three beautiful children, as you can see for yourself by looking around her shop. Her daughter Brianna is 7 years old and is her inspiration for many of the patterns she creates. She is the reason Joni learned to crochet and the reason her business has the name it does (her name is Brianna Abigail – Briabby).
How did it all begin? Tell us your story.
Joni: My baby’s eczema inspired me to start my business. She was so precious and perfect, but her illness caused her to have terrible sores on her body, including her beautiful face. We went to multiple doctors and tried various medications. One of these medications had to be applied to her scalp. Shortly after starting on it, her hair began falling out; not just a few strands here and there, but chunks of hair leaving little bald patches on her already sore head. It broke my heart to see my adorable little baby with scabs on her face and chunks of hair missing. Her hair would grow back, but I decided to buy her a couple of cute hats in the meantime.
I hopped on the internet and started looking around. I found some hats that I fell in love with, but encountered two dilemmas. The first: they were crochet hats… and handmade goods can be expensive! (At least by my standards because I’m pretty cheap). My husband was still in school, so buying expensive hats was not an option. But I was committed by this point and wasn’t going to let this slow me down. I then had a stroke of genius. Why don’t I just crochet my own? Enter dilemma number two: I didn’t know how to crochet and was absolutely terrible at all things crafty. I’m not one to give up easily though, so challenge accepted!
I borrowed a crochet hook and bought some crochet thread (this shows how confused I was about the whole thing because I definitely should have bought yarn). A few YouTube videos later I had the basics down. Not too shabby. Then I found the perfect pattern and it was time to get down to business. Crocheting came so naturally to me and I think it’s safe to say I rocked it! (Straight forward bragging is better than the “humble brag” right?) Of course, my baby rocked that hat big time too. Come to find out, crochet is both relaxing and surprisingly fun. I showed my work to my sister, who is an amazing web designer, and she suggested I try selling them. She even offered to make me my own website. As a stay-at-home mom with 2 babies (I had both a 1-year old and a 2-year old) and a husband in school, I thought this was the perfect opportunity.
I bought a few of the best hat patterns I could find, stocked up on some yarn, and picked a name for my new little business: BriAbby. I named it after my sweet daughter Brianna Abigail who is my inspiration. She also just happens to be my biggest cheerleader. There are very few things more satisfying than finishing a project and having her squeal with delight and gush over how cute it is. I am also very lucky that she is so happy and willing to model my products any time (it also helps that she is one of the most beautiful girls in the whole world).
As my business grew I started buying more and more patterns and came to a terrible realization. Great pictures of great designs do not always equal great patterns. After wasting time and money on patterns that were vague and riddled with mistakes, I decided I was going to give pattern designing a whirl. My goal was to create unique designs with simple, yet detailed, instructions. That way even people like me, who started out with zero knowledge and nothing but determination and YouTube, could make incredible things. My first pattern was my unicorn hat and it was a great success! I had people sending me messages thanking me and telling me that mine was the first pattern they had ever attempted. They were so happy with their finished masterpieces and I loved that I had a part in that. I have now designed about 70 patterns and plan to do hundreds more!
A couple of years after I designed my first pattern, my unicorn patterns went viral. I could not believe what was happening to me! I’m just your average mommy, doing what I love and trying to make a few bucks off of it to help support our family. I have now been designing for about 6 years and it has completely changed our family’s life. My husband recently finished medical school, so I was the sole provider for our family for a long time. I have been able to earn enough to support the five of us (as long as we’re not counting tuition because let’s be honest, med school is outrageously expensive) and live comfortably while I stay home and take care of my 3 beautiful children. At the same time I get to make crazy cute things for my kids that make them happy. It’s amazing!
What inspires you?

Joni: My children are my inspiration. I love to make things that make them happy (and
make my little girl squeal) and love coming up with designs that make them even cuter (or “cooler” because my oldest is about to turn 9 and he’d rather look cool than cute!)
How does your every day look like?
Joni: I spend a good part of my day taking care of my kids, but try to fit in some crochet every day (usually after they go to bed I will turn on a favorite show and whip out my yarn). My youngest will start school in 2 years and I am sure I will get a lot more designing done when that happens!
What is your favorite yarn?
Joni: I absolutely love Lion Brand Heartland yarn. It is soft, vibrant and has two complimentary colors (or shades of the same color) beautifully mixed in together. It’s a little thinner than I prefer, but I
try to work it into as many projects as possible!
I am so grateful that Joni took time from her busy schedule to talk to me. Her story is so inspiring. I am thrilled that I got to know her and that I can introduce her on my blog.
You can Pin this interview for later here:
Thank you for reading my blog. Here is a DISCOUNT CODE again NICETOMEETYA. With this coupon, you will get 20% off ALL PATTERNS, for entire week (until October 12th at midnight (Mountain Standard Time)!
I would love to know what BriAbbyHMA pattern is your favorite? Please, tell me in the comments below.
Enjoy crocheting ( I am sure you have a lot of new projects on your to-do list now. I know I do.)
Have a beautiful day.
Wow, the journey of Joni Memmott’s crocheting is just amazing. So happy to learn that the art came so naturally to her and that she rocked it which is a good lesson and a game changer for anyone willing to step foot in that niche.
Thanks a lot for sharing this useful and enlightening article.
I am glad you enjoyed it. Thank you.
Have a nice day.
I love it! I learned how to crochet a couple of years ago off of YouTube because I needed a hobby during the winter. Her designs are amazing! I could barely made a beanie! I will definitely check her out on Etsy. Great article, thanks for the share.
I am glad you enjoyed it. Thank you. If you are planning to buy her patterns, now it will be an excellent opportunity, because you can seize advantage of a discount.
Have a nice day.
Wow – I have my sister staying this weekend – she’s our family crochet champion, and seriously very happy with your post – so thank you, (especially for these unicorn patterns 🙂 )
I am so happy to hear that. Thank you. The unicorn hat pattern is really adorable. She will enjoy making it.
Have a nice day.
Wow, those patterns are amazing! What creativity, love of children and beauty can create! I don’t know how to crochet, but I’m seriously thinking of starting. I especially love the snowman/snowwoman hat!! This is a briallant story and I love the interview style! It brings Joni and Brianna close to us and makes us want to crochet too.
Thank you very much. It really is an inspirational story. If you want to learn how to crochet, I have a post that shows you how to do it:
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will help you with pleasure.
Have a beautiful day.
What an interesting interview. I love BriAbby’s patterns. I will buy her hooded princess blanket for my granddaughter. She loves pink and everything related to princesses. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for your comment. I am glad you enjoyed it. I think your granddaughter will be very happy with the blanket.
Have a beautiful day.
Firstly, this is so inspiring, wow secondly I really don’t know which is my favourite crochet design because they are all beautiful. I was looking to select one I would love but I think I may have to get someone else that I know to select for me. It’s also lovely for a mother to stay at home with her children and work with them. She is not just an inspiration to me but I think to her family as well. Thank you for this wonderful article.
Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed it. She really is inspiring.
Have a beautiful day.
That is a very inspiring interview! It’s so great sometimes to see how people find their calling out of love for their loved ones, it’s like a genius gift. Can’t believe that Joni didn’t know anything about crocheting and began from basics! The patterns are so amazing! Unicorn hats are just adorable. Thank you for introducing us to such devoted people, this made my heart melt =))
Thank you for this beautiful comment. I am delighted that you enjoyed it.
Have a beautiful day.
Although I am not familiar with the art of crochet, I found the interview quite wonderful. The pieces shown are fantastic! I agree that children are such an inspiration to do the things that we do in life. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for the comment. I am glad you enjoyed it.
Have a beautiful day.
My sister is coming over for her vacation and she is very good at crotchetting, she would definitely be thrilled to read this interview session with Joni Memmott. She adores her work a lot and seeing that you have shared this, I decided to safe this for her till she comes. Besides, I will also check her out on etsy. So good to see that everything comes naturally to her.
Thank you. She really is an inspiration. Your sister can be very happy to have a brother like you. I hope she will like it too. Have a nice day.
Seeing her source of inspiration to be her children is really good and that is great. My kids are my source of inspiration too when I am crotchetting. It is usually not so easy to achieve for me but then, when i think of things they would want, I always get the perfect idea. Joni Memmott is a top notch in this business and someone I adore her works. This is definitely good to read about her.
Thank you. It was nice interviewing her. There is another success story interview on its way. I hope you will enjoy that one too. If you want, I would love to see your crochet creations in my Facebook group. I am gathering a supportive community of crocheters. You are welcome to join.
Have a beautiful day.
This was a lovely and very interesting blog. I liked the way you used the photos to show the finished pattern on her daughter to give you an idea of the actual size and what it is supposed to look like.
Thank you. I also think it is a good idea to see the photo of the finished work on a child so that you can see how big it is. Sometimes it is hard to imagine.
Have a nice day.
This is a very nice review to see. To be honest, I didn’t think that I will be seeing so many crocheted makes here. It is very very nice to learn that she is making this all by herself. I would like to get one for my little sister, maybe the hoodie, she will very much like it. You have a very good website as well. Good work.
Thank you for your compliment. There are a lot of crocheters on Etsy. I was surprised too. And the more I dig in, the more I find 🙂 I believe your little sister will love the Hooded blanket. If you make her one, you can share it with me on my Facebook page. I would love to see your creations.
Have a nice day.
What an inspiration Joni is, the story behind her crochet is really amazing. It’s really very important that we discover our potential and believe me, it may be the slightest thing you expect that will bring it to you and it’s our own responsibility to embrace it and see it as an opportunity for us to explore more of our self. Joni did a great job with her life and here she is setting the pace for others willing to learn from her experiences. This is a very good article, I’ve enjoyed reading through and I’ve learned a couple of things from it also. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you very much — what a beautiful comment. I agree with you; it is essential to discover our potential, and when we do, all things come together. It just feels right. I am pleased that you enjoyed the interview.
Have a nice day.
Oh my my, this are really wonderful patterns here. Awesome styles and beautifully weaved. Wow, i have seen some spectacular chrotcheting before that my mum makes but this looks very different to me. I am going to share this with her as it will be some new challenge for her to make new stuff. Nice interview here too.
Thank you. I love Joni’s patterns. She has so many different types of designs , from hats, blankets, loveys to animals. I am sure your mom will also find something she likes. Thank you for sharing.
Have a nice day.