Translate Russian Crochet Terms

Translate Russian crochet patterns to English – tables, charts and free patterns

I am sure the following has happened to you before. I was searching on Pinterest for the most beautiful crochet pattern. I wanted to do an amigurumi doll dressed in costume. I found the image and I didn’t care if it was free or not, I wanted to make The one on the picture. It was perfect, I was so excited, but when I got to the page, I didn’t understand anything. I wasn’t even sure what language it was. All I knew it was Cyrillic. I tried to find it in English, but no luck, that one was the one I wanted.

How to understand Russian crochet patterns?

 So what to do?

Well, if you are a little geek like me, then you try to learn a new language. I love to learn new things. Right now, I am learning how to make a website and a blog. What do you think? Did I do a good job on that?

If you want to learn how to make a blog and earn some money with it, I recommend this site:

Wealthy Affiliate program showed me how to make a website step by step, and I am a complete beginner. If you are interested in becoming a blogger, this training is the one for you.

But you are probably not reading this to learn how to make a website. If you have time and energy, you can learn Russian like I did. I found a free app Duolingo. You can learn any language you want; it is so fun, it feels like you are playing a game.

But don’t think you are going to learn crochet terms there. That is a little too specific, even for Duolingo. But you do learn the basics so that you understand everything else on the pattern. Like if you can sell the finished item or not, and other relevant information.

I could not find the app for translating crochet terms to other languages. Do you know is there anything like that? Google Translator does not help in this case, because there are a lot of special crocheting terms and abbreviations, so such translating are not always understandable.

I want to help others.

I decided I wanted to help other crocheters and make it a little easier for all of us; that is why I gathered all the Russian terms I know into this post. I will add more on the way, but you will be able to make almost any pattern with translating these terms.

As you know, to translate any design (even free one) into another language without permission of its author is a violation of copyright, so please respect designers and use this guide for personal use.

Here is the table with Russian terms and abbreviations to the US. I tried to put the words in logical order, the way you will see them in the pattern.


Abbreviations Условные обозначения: US terms
крючок для вязания a crochet hook
вязать = провязать= вяжем = вяжите to crochet
4 шт 4 pieces
ВП =вп = в.п. воздушная петля a chain
нам потребуется we (will) need
нить = пряжа a yarn, a thread
набрать 4 вп to pick up 4 ch
начать во 2ую вторую от крючка петлю Begin in the 2nd stitch from the hook
вяжем прямыми и обратными рядами to crochet in back-and-forth rows
замкнуть в кольцо to make a ring
вязать по кругу to crochet around
р ряд a row, round
СС = сс соединительный столбик a slip stitch
СБН = сбн = ст. б/н столбик без накида a single crochet
3 сбн вместе 3 sc crochet together
ПСН = псн = пссн полустолбик с накидом a half double crochet
С1Н = с1н столбик с 1 накидом a double crochet
ПР = пр = приб прибавка an increase(s)
пр*6 = (приб) – 6 раз = прибавка повторить 6 раз уб*6 = (уб) – 6 раз (1 increase) repeat 6 times
УБ = уб  убавка a decrease(s)
уб*6 = (уб) – 6 раз = убавка повторить 6 раз (1 decrease) repeat 6 times
стянуть = стягиваем to pull, to tighten
сменить нить на … to change your yarn color to …
обвязать по краю to crochet along the edge
обвязать сбн вдоль … to crochet sc-row along …
повторить to repeat
пришить to sew
п/петля (задняя или передняя) a loop of stitch (back or front)
пропуск = пропустить to skip a stitch
поворот = повернуть to turn
без изменений no change, to work even
вышить to embroider
набивать = наполнять = наполнить = набить наполнителем = заполните to fill, to stuff with a filler
закрыть = закройте to close up (usually the closing of the hole)
закончить to finish, to fasten off, to work off
присоединить = прикрепить to add (yarn), to attach (parts of doll)
проволока = проволочный каркас a wire frame
оставить нить для пришивания to leave a tail (of the yarn) for sewing
оборвать нить to cut off the yarn
утяжка = утяжки (to make) sculpting

Sometimes you want to find the other way around, so there is a table with US terms to Russian, and it goes alphabetically.

English Russian
all все
approximate приблизительно
assembly сборка
begin начать, указывает на начало вязания
between между
back post dc столбик с накидом провязанный снизу
back loop only только изнаночная петля
bind off (finish off) закрыть петли друг на друга
cable косичка
chain воздушная петля (ВП)
cluster столбиков с одной вершиной
contrasting color контрастный цвет
cast on набрать (петли)
double crochet столбик с накидом (С1Н)
decrease убавка (УБ or уб)
double treble crochet столбик с 3 накидами
every каждое, каждую
embroider вышить
increase прибавка (ПР or приб)
front post dc столбик с накидом провязанный сверху
Front перед
grams граммы
half double crochet полустолбик с одним накидом (ПСН)
loop петля
main color главный цвет
make a ring замкнуть в кольцо
ounce барс (ы)
picot пико
place marker поместите маркер
previous Предыдущий
puff stitch пышный столбик
remaining Остаток
repeat повторять, раппорт
reverse sc рачий шаг
round(s) круговой ряд, вязание по кругу – Кр.ряд
right side (RS) правая сторона – ПС
single crochet столбик без накида(СБН or ст. б/н)
skip Пропуск
slip stitch полустолбик без накида (СС)
space(s) пространство (интервалы)
stitch(es) петля(и), стежок
together провязать вместе
treble crochet столбик с 2 накидами
triple treble crochet столбик с 4 накидами
turn поворот or повернуть
wire frame проволока = проволочный каркас
work even без изменений
wrong side (WS) левая (изнаночная) сторона – ЛС
yarn over накид


Here are some crochet graphs and symbols to make it even easier.

Image source: Crochet kingdomRussian symbols

Russian symbols

I think you are ready now for some crocheting from Russian patterns. Here is the site where you will find a significant number of free Russian designs. You will be amazed; they are so beautiful. The link is here:

I have also found a group on Facebook.

The admin is lovely Ella Kovalyova from Ella’s crochet toys; she helps to translate patterns. You can find the group here:

And her blog here:

Pin this for later here:

I hope this helps you. This article is a work-in-progress, and if you have any suggestions, corrections, or words to add – please leave a comment so I can update the chart. Thank you.

Enjoy crocheting all the Russian patterns.

Have a beautiful day.


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26 thoughts on “Translate Russian crochet patterns to English – tables, charts and free patterns

  1. Now that’s an interesting article. Learning a new language can be very difficult and boring for some but it all boils down to how you do it. Being an avid lover of the Russian language (I hear it every day, all day!) I know exactly how it is to learn it. It can be a bit hard in the beginning but it will slowly gets better. And doing crochet patterns and at the same time learning Russian seems like a fan thing to do!

    1. Спасибо! 🙂 The crocheting was my motivation, but then I saw Cyrillic everywhere, and it was fun to read, especially when I started to understand. It is nice when the language is not a barrier to do a new project. I hope that this post helps others who want to make a crochet creation from the Russian pattern. 

      Have a nice day.

      1. Hello,
        would you be so kind and help me with one Russion Crochet pattern?
        I will very appreciate that.
        Thank you.

        1. Hi. Thank you for your comment. To be honest, I haven’t translated Russian patterns for more than two years now. So I am a little out of practice. If this article does not help you with the translation, I would suggest you turn for help to the Facebook group. Thank you. I hope you will be able to crochet from your pattern. Have a beautiful day. 🙂

  2. I believe that crochet is really neat, I have watch people done this over the years and with such skill. I believe that what you have written will help those who have a love for this. Your post is informative and filled with tons of information thanks again for sharing it is good to learn the different culture and how they go about this type of work.

  3. Your article is very helpful! I love that you added a Facebook group in the bottom so that people can join and learn more information about crocheting. The images included in the post also make it a bit simpler to understand and allow people to follow the moves based on them. Well done!

    1. Thank you. I am happy you find it useful. I hope that I can help crocheters who are in the same position as I was. 

      Have a beautiful day.

  4. Your site is great! I love crocheting, it’s so therapeutic and relaxing. The most frustrating thing definitely is when a pattern is in a language I don’t understand. Which happens far too often! Thanks for translating these common words, I will bookmark your page so next time when I’m stuck I will find it straight away!

    1. Thank you. I agree it is frustrating when you find a pattern you don’t understand. I am so glad you find my post useful. I am happy to help.

      Have a beautiful day and enjoy crocheting.

  5. Wow, well done for this article. It is really helpfull for us, crocheters. Thanks a lo for this. And your blog is really great. I realy like to read your articles, they are usefull.

    1. Thank you so much. I try to do the best I can to share helpful and useful content. I am glad that you like it. Thank you very much for reading my posts.
      Have a beautiful day, and enjoy crocheting.

  6. I’ve come accross your blog and really hope that you could be of assistance to me. Ivery found a free pattern for Amugurumi Female Cat but cannot make out some of the language. They say: 5hdc “bir ilmekte” and further on they mention “8hdca” and “3a”. Can you help. Xxx

    1. Hi. Thank you for your patience. Were you able to figure it out? From what you wrote, I really don’t understand. I wish I could help you. Did you try the Facebook group?

  7. Thank you for this information. I have a pattern that was “translated” from russian, but I do not see these symbols on your list. cp-air loop, ss-connecting column, rls-column without crochet, ch-column with double crochet, c2h, column with 2 crochets, c3h-column with 3 crochets. Also what is exhaust gas, it has something about cm after it.

    1. Hi. I am sorry, but I can not help you with this. I don’t know what this means. What kind of pattern is it? Is the translation correct? You can turn to the FB Group I mentioned in the article; maybe they can help. Have a beautiful day, and enjoy crocheting. Katja

  8. Hello,

    I am trying to translate a pattern for baby shark. I found all of them except for what UB stands for. Do you know that?

    1. Hi. No, sorry. It has been a while since I used Russian Croceht Patterns, so I forgot some of the expressions. Did you post a question in the FB Group?

  9. UB = Decrease…I am trying to translate and I forgot to save the place I got it from.

  10. Hi Katja
    Can I print this out?
    Or if not, can you please send them to me?
    Thank you so much ??
    With kindness
    Søs Kaplov

    1. Hi. You can make a printscreen or write it down by hand. 🙂 I hope I have helped. Have a beautiful day, and enjoy crocheting. Katja

    1. Hi. It means “handle”. I hope I have helped. Have a beautiful day, and enjoy crocheting. And by the way, you can use google translate for that too. 🙂

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